Thursday, November 26, 2009


I'm very much intrigued in the whole phoenomenom in war. It is not to say that I agree to the action. But, it is interesting to note how a person is ' motivated' so to speak, or can be engineered to the extent as to risk his own life as to be involved in a war.

Being in a war, essentially means that you are willing to sacrifice everything that you have, including your own life

What we are willing to sacrifice for a belief is daunting..
but to what extent?
for what reason?
is it enough to justify the loss of your own people?economy?risk the civilization that others before you have built?

One of the greatest war ever was of course the World War II in which history has changed forever.

Hitler ultimately wanted to establish a New Order of absolute Nazi German hegemony in Europe. To achieve this, he pursued a foreign policy with the declared goal of seizing Lebensraum "living space" for the Aryan people; directing the resources of the state towards this goal.


Casualties and war crimes
World War II deaths
Estimates for the total casualties of the war vary, but most suggest that some 60 million people died in the war, including about 20 million soldiers and 40 million civilians.

Many civilians died because of disease, starvation, massacres, bombing and deliberate genocide. The Soviet Union lost around 27 million people during the war, almost half of all World War II deaths.[253] Of the total deaths in World War II, approximately 85 percent were on the Allied side (mostly Soviet and Chinese) and 15 percent on the Axis side.

The effects of World War II had far-reaching implications for the international community. Many millions of lives had been lost as a result of the war. Germany was divided into four quadrants, which were controlled by the Allied Powers — the United States, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union. The war can be identified to varying degrees as the catalyst for many continental, national and local phenomena, such as the redrawing of European borders, the birth of the United Kingdom's welfare state, the communist takeover of China and Eastern Europe, the creation of Israel, and the 4 divisions of Germany and Korea and later of Vietnam. In addition, many organizations have roots in the Second World War; for example, the United Nations, the World Bank, the WTO, and the IMF. Technologies, such as nuclear fission, the computer and the jet engine, also appeared during this period.

A multipolar world was replaced by a bipolar one dominated by the two most powerful victors, the United States and Soviet Union, which became known as the superpowers

What we see today in our world, in which so oftenly we take for granted, is the result from those who toil before us. So many things have shaped and defined our world today, but we do not realize its importance and many of us, including myself, only take in stride..

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