Tuesday, April 20, 2010


" Wahai Rabb Yang Mahahidup, wahai Rabb Yang Berdiri Sendiri ( tidak butuh segala sesuatu), dengan rahmat-Mu aku mohon pertolongan, perbaikilah segala urusanku dan jangan diserahkan kepadaku sekalipun sekejap mata ( tanpa mendapat pertolongan dari -Mu)"
Life is a roller coaster, I always say..
One minute you're up, the next thing you just go downhill

One thing that has taught me at the emergency department is that the only that thing that is predictable in life is that it is not predictable

Due to its nature, there is constant worry about what might happen to your patient once you have attended to them.

The feeling just leaves you in a state of uncertainty, in which to some people might amount to some sort of discomfort and anxiety.

The thing is, the answer is so simple..yet to have fully embedded it inside your heart is another different thing..
Just do the best in your ability to serve your patient and leave the rest to Allah... for He has the Power over all things..

" Allah lah yang mencukupi ( segala kebutuhanku), Tidak ada Ilah yang berhak diibadahi dengan benar selain Dia, kepada Nya aku bertawakal. Dialah Rabb ( yang menguasai) 'Arsy yang agung"
- HR Ibnu Sunni ( from Dzikir Pagi & petang - syaikh sa'id bin 'Ali wahf al Qahthani)

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