Sunday, November 23, 2008

Welcome to O&G



Day 5 of O&G tagging

9 more days to go..

Currently I’m in obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G) posting…Day 5 of life..

But in reality, I haven’t really started work per se..i’m still tagging

For those who are not familiar with the tagging system, let me just brief you a bit … during our housemanship, we have 6 rotations – for each rotation we have about 4 months. So, every time we go to a new rotation/department, we have to be the trainees before we are really accepted into the department, so to speak.

It’s an observation period, whereby you learn the ropes before starting to work.

During my paediatric posting, I had about less than one week of tagging, which means, in less than a week, you’ve got to know how to handle the job.

However, for O&G, it’s a bit longer. I was told that previously the new houseman had EOD calls (every other day/selang sehari) on calls. I don’t really know which is the better system, but at least for oncalls, you get to claim, which does not hold the same for the current system of tagging.

This current system of tagging, in which I’m doing right now – starts from 7.30am (rightfully at 7am) until 12 am everyday for two weeks ( if you don’t get extended, that is)

Thus, starting last week until next week, I’ve to stay in the hospital (not to feel the ray of sunshine) from morning until midnight.

After a while, it sort of gets to you, - easily tired and irritable

Day in and day out – the labor room/ward/deliveries after deliveries

I know our niat has to be pure and ikhlas lillahita’ala…honestly I don’t mind that’s just that after 5 days being cooped in the hospital, a little bit of sunlight would help..

During my first tagging day, I’ve already had to assist in Manual removal of placenta in the ooperation theater..witness episiotomies and of course deliveries.

I wasn’t confident enough as to actually conduct deliveries tho0ug, added with the exasperated feeling in which we couldn’t get the weekend off – just makes you feel less wanting to be a in a pressured situation.

I must say that during delivery, there is high action and pumping with adrenaline.

Although, I ‘m a bit saddened by the event that sometimes I fail to correlate the situation with Allah. How I actually fail to appreciate that this process, in which Allah has bestowed on us to go through has much lesson in it to learn

However, one thing that has struck me deep during my tagging days so far, is that it is important for us to learn. It is imperative for us to learn to do something right, which I feel is very much reelevent in all field – regardless which occupation you hold

And to appreciate teachers – whoever that they may be. I really am grateful that the jururawat masyarakat and also staff nurses at the ward who lended their time and patience to teach us housemans.

Since tagging, the feelings of inadequacies always surround us. It is the time where we put ourselves to be slaughtered in front of everyone – and to learn and to be taught by whomever feel obliged to do so.

Everytime we conduct deliveries/do procedures we are certain to make mistakes and in front of the whole staff to witness. The feeling of shyness must be put aside. The sensitivity are at loss or else you might suffer great psychological consequences as a result.

May Allah give us the strength to continue our ibadah as His humble slaves…

  • p.s. have to stop right now and prepare for sleep as tomorrow will be another long day..



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