Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pahlawan palestin

Bilakah akan munculnya seorang pahlawan seperti salahuddin al-ayubbi..
bilakah akan lahirnya seorang mujahid seperti Syeikh Ahmad Yasin..

kita hanya menanti...


Siapa Aku? (Sebuah Puisi Biografi Syeikh Ahmad Yasin)

(Sebuah Puisi Biografi Syeikh Ahmad Yasin, 1938-2004)

Lahirku di Kampung Al-Jaurah,
Selatan Tebing Gaza, 1938 Masihiah,
Tercetus perang 1948, familiku berpindah,
Mengharung kaki menuju Ghazzah. (Gaza)

Tika asyik beriadah bersama teman,
Malang menimpa, aku terhumban,
Lumpuh seluruh badan,
Namun, kutekad kekuatan,
Lumpuhku tidak bisa menghalang pergerakan,
Minda, fikiran, tadbir jua amalan...

Kutamatkan pengajian sekolah,
Kuteruskan ke Universiti Ain Syams, padah,
Setahun berlalu dan aku terpaksa berhenti,
Hati yang terhiris itulah,
Yang kubawa ke Mesir gagah,
Kukenal Ikhwan, sertai jamaah.

Di Palestin,
Akulah guru, mengajar tatatertib,
Berkhutbah di masjid, akulah khatib,
Akulah pengasas Majma' Islami,
Pada 70-an tekad bersemi.

1983, aku ditangkap dituduh,
Pengasas Majd Mujahidin pembunuh,
13 tahun penjara, mahkamah menyuruh,
Namun terbebas selepas bulan kesepuluh.

Kuasaskan lagi gerakan HAMAS,
Gerakan Penentangan Islamiah, kemas,
1987, HAMAS berdiri tegas!

Sekali lagi, ditangkap askar Yahudi,
Dihukum penjara seumur abadi,
Ditambah 15 tahun lagi,
Kerana mengasas HAMAS menggempa Yahudi!

Makin hari, kumakin lemah, di penjara,
Pandangan kananku hilang mutiara,
Mata kiriku kabur, terseksa didera,
Penyakitku kronik, dihantar ke Hospital Penjara.

Subuh 1 Oktober 1997 barakah,
Aku dibebas dengan janji payah,
Antara Jordan & Israel laknatullah,
Selepas serangan Khalid Masy'al tergagal, musnah.

Kusenyum, kulihat
Intifadah Aqsa, bangkitnya ummat,
Menentang, melawan Zionis penjajah laknat,
Hingga terbunuh jua tercedera berat.

Malam Isnin aku bersolat sendiri,
Munajatku mohon ke hadrat Ilahi,
Agar ganjaran Syahid diberi di sisi,
Dan kuniat puasa di pagi hari.

Masjid, 22 Mac 2004 - Fajarnya,
Usai solat Subuh, tiada lama hanya,
Tika berjalan pulang, aduh sakitnya,
Tiada rasa nyeri, pulanglah,
Pulanglah ke hadrat Tuhanku, Allah,
Haruman syurgawi, rohpun terbanglah,
Duniaku, pisahlah,
Nyata kerananya dan kerana-Nya aku lelah...

Akulah Syeikh Ahmad Ismail Yasin!
Siapa kamu?
Apa yang kamu telah sumbangkan untuk agama Allah?

3 April 2004,
Hotel Fatamorgana,
Sweileh, Amman.

Note: nukilan : wewr

The palestinian issue

Only Allah knows how much our brothers and sisters are suffering in palestine..
while we gear up to celebrate the new year's eve, grinning happily at the thought of the day's off..
But our beloved brethren yonder, never once getting the time out from the continuous struggle

When will it be that we would strive hand in hand together as one nation - a nation of islam - to shake the ties that hold them..

While we absolve ourselves in the dunya..the materialism, the money, these ecstacy of life, we have shunned ourselves from the road of jihad..

Take myself for example..to be self absorbed, to constantly worry about myself, not taking the steps to actually be involved in the road of the journey..

May Allah grant us the strength and ways to help our fellow brothers and sisters in Palestin

For all of us, pray hard for them..boycott the ones that help the zionist.. sacrifice a bit of money to help them..spread the news regarding their sufferings..

wajah2 palestin

Wajah wajah Gaza setelah hampir 4 hari di serang rejim Zionis.

Contributed by gunxx on Tuesday, December 30 @ 13:34:54 MYT
Topic: Analisis

Note: sumber gambar : http://jamna.blogspot.com/

the suffering the palestinians


Mesir masih berdegil membuka pintu sempadan kepada rakyat Palestin.

Contributed by gunxx on Tuesday, December 30 @ 07:36:27 MYT
Topic: Berita Semasa

Serangan udara Israel yang berterusan dalam masa dua hari telah mengakibatkan beratus-ratus orang Palestin cuba melarikan diri dari Gaza ke Mesir pada pagi Isnin dengan menyerbu lintasan sempadan tertutup beramai-ramai.

Laporan sumber-sumber tempatan, beratus2 warga Palestin telah membanjiri pihak berkuasa Mesir yang ditempatkan di lintasan sempadan Mesir.

Pihak berkuasa Mesir menyokong tindakan rejim Zionis melakukan pengepungan pada Gaza dan kebuluran penduduk Palestin lebih dua tahun lepas, dan Mesir masih enggan membuka sempadan antara Gaza dan Mesir (satu-satunya laluan selain laluan melalui pemeriksaan rejim Zionis)

Pihak rejim Zionis menghalang import ubat-ubatan dan bekalan perubatan kepada Gaza dua tahun lepas, meninggalkan semua pihak hospital Gaza tidak bersedia untuk menangani jumlah pesakit yang ramai.

sumber : http://www.imemc.org
penterjemah : gunx

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Hari krismas saya bertugas...hari raya haji hari tu pun saya juga bertugas..pendek kata, setiap kali cuti perayaan nampaknya saya terpaksa bertugas

alhamdulillah time tu boleh dikatakan tidak lah ramai sangat angka pesakit yang datang..tidak seperti hari raya haji tempoh hari..di mana bilangan pesakitnya non stop..

namun, ada kes emergency di mana pesakit tu terpaksa undergo emergency LSCS ( caesarean operation) --> since on CTG (Cardiotocography - alat untuk check keadaan jantung baby dan juga kekuatan contraction pain seseorang) it was noted that there was persistent type 1 deceleraiton (maksudnya - jantung baby berada dalam keadaan lemah) for more than one hour. the specialist was noted and decided for caesar.

I went to the patient, and explained regarding the need the operation and the risk associated with it..She understood..and then asked me .."doktor..saya nak ikat sekali"...(meaning she wants to undergo bilateral tubal ligation--> permanent sterilization : di mana tiub fallopian akan diikat dan di potong)
I was stunned..this was only a 33 year old lady,with 3 children only..and then already decided that 4 is enough..

I asked for confirmation..she said she was sure of it..

This puts me in a dilemma...
She had asked for a permanent sterilization in which after this she will not be able to be pregnant.

The thing is, in Islam, the hukum for permanent sterilization is haram..it is only permitted when there is risk for the mother if she goes into another pregnancy.. I would understand if she has some underlying medical illness in which the pregnancy would cause serious damage to the mother, such as in the case of heart disease ( tight Mitral stenosis-if i;m not mistaken, and left to right shunt)

This lady has essential hypertension, on treatment..Yes..i do agree to some extnet it can lead to severe Pre eclampsia and such..but to justify as to allow permanent sterilization is not enough..

I informed my Medical officer of her request and she only asked whether the husband agreed to it and if it is agreed, then can proceed with it..

I then counselled the husband regarding the operation, in which in the end he had agreed upon the operation. I actually had wanted to talk him out of it..

The operation proceeded, and i had to assist the medical officer during the operation.

As usual, I scrubbed and wore on the sterile gown , making myself ready for the operation..but a guilt feeling overcame me and I was succumbed to the horrendous feeling

Here I am, standing and assisting in an operation that, in my opinion is not allowed in the eyes of Islam.

I had failed to reiterate the Islamic point behind the whole predicament, when in fact, we are among Muslims, in which there should be no problem arising.

Sometimes, in our life, we are cornered in a situation whereby we have to choose which is in the best interest..but along the way, we might hyave to sacrifice the syariah..But as muslims..the syariah should be the number one..how we decide should be based upon the maqasid syariah..

But alas, that is the ideal and that is what we should strive for..Verily, there is much work to be done and along the way, we need to ask for Allah's help and forgiveness ..I don't know how I would be able to answer in the yaumul qiyamah, whereby I do not propagate what I have known..how am I not doing as hard as i can to make sure that the syariah is implemented as much as my power permits me to..Forgive me for my weakness ..Ya Allah, grant us the way and strength to overcome this..may Allah always place us in His Mercy..Ameen..

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

keindahan kesucian dunia kanak2

Mereka seperti kain yang putih..bagaimanakah kita hendak mencorakkan mereka?

Sunday, December 21, 2008


aRKIB : 09/12/2008

Mendekati masyarakat Orang Asli perlu strategi

JANGAN tipu Orang Asli. Kami tidak mudah ditipu dan payah untuk diyakini oleh orang luar, terutama dari bandar.

“Kalau mahu kami percaya, yakin dan terima ‘orang luar’, jangan pandang rendah dan jijik dengan cara dan budaya hidup masyarakat kami.”

Demikian ingatan jujur Tok Batin Husin Ngah Yin, dari Perkampungan Orang Asli Hulu Gombak ketika menyuarakan kegelisahan masyarakatnya pada seminar Program Dakwah Orang Asli yang berlangsung di kompleks Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan pada 16 November lalu.

Orang luar menurut Tok Batin Husin, hanya boleh menjadi ‘saudara’ Orang Asli jika mereka datang, duduk, makan, bergaul dan tinggal bersama dan sedia melalui amalan budaya hidup mereka.

Beliau menyuarakan sedemikian ekoran jarang berlaku pendakwah muslim tempatan negara ini berminat untuk menjelajah dan tinggal di perkampungan Orang Asli dalam menjalankan kerja dakwah.

Jika ada yang turun padang pun beritahunya, pendakwah sama ada dari agensi kerajaan atau badan bukan kerajaan, sekadar datang bagi mengislamkan Orang Asli bukan memuslimkan mereka.

Pendakwah Islam menurutnya, tidak ada bezanya dengan orang politik. Mereka datang apabila menjelang pilihan raya, tetapi selepas itu lesap dan tidak pernah menjenguk atau bertanya khabar lagi sehingga tiba pilihan raya berikutnya pula.

“Sebenarnya apa yang dibuat oleh agensi kerajaan dan badan bukan kerajaan Islam sekarang tidak diperlukan oleh Orang Asli,” jelasnya.

Sebaliknya apa yang diperlukan oleh Orang Asli mengenai keagamaan ialah mengetahui di mana Tuhan dan untuk siapa serta di mana boleh dapat syurga, tegasnya.

Sebab itu beritahu Tok Batin Husin lagi, untuk berdakwah kepada masyarakat Orang Asli mereka perlu bijak dalam mengguna pendekatan perkara-perkara yang jelas lagi nyata.

“Inilah pendekatan pendakyah Kristian sehingga mereka berjaya mempengaruhi Orang Asli biarpun hakikatnya mereka tidak yakin dan sukar menerima konsep tiga tuhan dalam doktrin Kristian yang disogokkan kepada mereka,” jelasnya.

Seminar program dakwah untuk masyarakat Orang Asli itu diadakan atas usaha Persatuan Alumni Kolej Islam Klang dengan kerjasama Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim).

Program setengah hari itu telah dihadiri oleh penggiat kerja-kerja dakwah di kalangan badan bukan kerajaan, agensi kerajaan dan individu sekitar Lembah Klang.

Bagi Tok Batin Husin, Orang Asli dan Orang Melayu adalah serupa.

“Kita sama-sama rakyat pribumi. Jadi biarlah susah dan senang dikongsi bersama, bukan terus memencil dan meminggirkan Orang Asli sama ada dalam pembangunan mahupun keagamaan,” ujarnya.

Walaupun Orang Asli asalnya tidak ada apa-apa pegangan keagamaan dan masih terlalu banyak yang buta huruf, tetapi peredaran masa dan keadaan kata beliau, tetapi keinginan untuk mengenal dan mempercayai Tuhan telah wujud dan semakin tinggi.

Orang Asli menurut Tok Batin Husin, adalah masyarakat yang penuh budi bahasa dan lembut terhadap orang luar, sebagaimana orang Melayu.

Tetapi dalam komuniti Orang Asli sendiri tegas beliau, mereka sebenarnya garang, liar dan agak ganas.

“Sebenarnya ramai dari kalangan masyarakat kami sekarang sedang mencari dan ternanti-nanti orang yang boleh menunjukkan mereka jalan kepada Tuhan,” jelasnya.

Menurut Jasut Yusof pula, Orang Asli yang telah diislamkan mesti terus didampingi oleh para pendakwah bukan hanya untuk menyampaikan ceramah.

“Mereka perlu didakwah secara fizikal dan lahiriah, sama ada menyedia dan membekalkan pelbagai keperluan asas hidup atau terus berkampung bersama mereka,” beritahu pegawai kesihatan Hospital Orang Asli Gombak itu.

Sikap dan pendekatan itulah beritahu Jasut, diamalkan oleh mubaligh dan kalangan pendakyah Kristian.

Menurutnya, para mubaligh bukan Melayu gemar berhijrah dan bermastautin di kampung-kampung Orang Asli dan menjadi sebahagian daripada kelompok kami demi menjayakan misi Kristian mereka.

“Tetapi ini tidak dilakukan oleh pendakwah Islam dan orang Melayu terutamanya, sebab mereka tidak dapat menerima cara dan budaya hidup Orang Asli di pendalaman.”

Sedangkan kebanyakan masyarakat kami lebih meyakini Islam sebagai agama bukan Kristian atau yang lainya, tambahnya.

Kata Jasut, Orang Asli ada 18 sukuan etnik dan masing-masing mempunyai bahasa, budaya hidup, kepercayaan dan amalan yang berbeza.

“Jadi adalah lebih mudah bagi mana-mana pendakwah mengenali sukuan etnik berkenaan dan menjadikan Tok Batin atau yang berpengaruh dalam sesuatu sukuan sebagai sahabat serta saudara sendiri,” jelasnya.

Dalam hubungan ini, Datuk Dr. Abdul Razak Awang Kechik yang berpengalaman berpuluh tahun berbakti dan mendampingi masyarakat Orang Asli pedalaman di seluruh negara berpendapat, tidak ada sebab mengapa masyarakat Orang Asli tidak Islam.

“Kecuali jika kita umat Muslim tidak melaksanakan tanggungjawab untuk menyebar dan mengajak mereka kepada Islam,” katanya.

Yang menjadi masalah kata beliau, kalangan pendakwah sendiri tidak faham konsep dakwah dengan beranggapan dakwah ialah berceramah mengenai Islam dan mengislamkan saudara baru.

“Setiap dari kita perlu fahami dan hayati apa yang terkandung dalam surah al-Ikhlas, kerana tugas berdakwah ini bukan peranan orang-orang agama sahaja tetapi setiap muslim,” katanya.

Oleh itu, tegas beliau, setiap Muslim terutama para pendakwah sendiri perlu menghayati Rasulullah SAW berdakwah dan kembali kepada konsep dakwah yang disarankan oleh al-Quran.

Doktor perubatan bergerak persendirian yang memilih berbudi kepada Orang Asli, sekali gus menyebarkan Islam kepada mereka turut memberikan tujuh sebab mengapa masyarakat Orang Asli perlu memilih Islam.

lIslam agama rasmi negara dan Orang Asli adalah rakyat pribumi sebagaimana Orang Melayu.

lYang Di Pertuan Agong dan semua pemimpin adalah Islam.

lOrang Asli perlu bergabung dengan Orang Melayu untuk jadi bangsa kaum yang kuat.

lSemua agensi dan jabatan kerajaan bertanggungjawab membantu.

lOrang Asli terlalu banyak pecahan etnik akan hancur dan lenyap jika tidak pilih Islam.

lOrang Asli Kristian memusuhi Orang Asli amanisme dan Islam tetapi muslim Melayu berjiran dengan Orang Asli dalam semua aspek dan boleh bersatu dalam Islam dan fitrah kemanusiaan.

lHanya Islam agama yang benar, baik dan diterima Allah SWT.

Sehubungan itu Dr. Razak yang menghabiskan sebahagian besar daripada profesion dan hidupnya bersama masyarakat Orang Asli menyarankan agar pendakwah Muslim membuat perubahan drastik bagi memastikan kehidupan Orang Asli lebih Islamik.

“Membawa Islam kepada Orang Asli adalah amanah dan tanggungjawab setiap Muslim,” tegasnya.

Lagipun tambah beliau, Orang Asli sudah lama kenal Islam malah mereka sudah tahu dan biasa dengan Islam kerana Orang Melayu adalah sebahagian daripada komuniti mereka.

Para daie katanya, perlu belajar daripada cara dakyah yang digerakan oleh Sidang Injel Borneo (SID) yang banyak masuk dan tinggal di perkampungan Orang Asli untuk mengkristiankan mereka dan menanamkan permusuhan terhadap Islam.

(utusan malaysia : 9/12/08)

lets get to know orang asli

bersama adik2 di playground
Persembahan dari adik2
during my trip to kg org asli ( 2 hours off pos lebir )
waiting for a suspected leprosy case - 2007

2007 - Pos Lebir


Orang Asli
Ben van Wijnen

Orang Asli in Taman Negara

The name "Orang Asli" means "original people" or "first people". They all live on the Peninsular of Malaysia. Nowadays there about 60.000 Orang Asli people, of which 60% still live in the rain forest. About 40% Orang Asli live along or near the coast. Each has its own language and culture, and perceives itself as different from the others. Linguistically, some of the northern Orang Asli groups speak languages, that suggest a historical link with the indigenous peoples in Burma, Thailand and Indo-China.
They are classified into three groups:
- Senoi
- Orang Malayu Asli
- Negrito

As I said, there's a lot of difference between those groups. The name "Negrito" suggest, that these people come from Papua New Guinea or East Africa. They also have dark-skinned and frizzy-hair. Other groups of the Orang Asli are more light-skinned and have straight hair.
The Negrito's live in the North and North East of the Peninsular and mostly they live in the jungle. They are the semi-nomadic tribes of the Orang Asli. Only a few of them also live in urban areas and are engaged in both waged and salaried jobs.
It is thought that the Negrito's arrived in Malaya 8,000 years ago. Their forefathers were also hunters and gatherers who lived in caves and rock shelters. They knew the use of fire and cooked their food with the aid of crude instruments made from stone. They hunt for food and gather fruits as well as forest products for medical use.

Many Senoi live in the Cameron Highlands. They just look like a real Malaysians, although the dark ones look like Negrito's. Originally they must have come from the hills in Vietnam, Cambodia or Northern Thailand, about 6000 - 8000 years ago
In the highlands the Senoi live as wage-earners, working on the highland tea estates. Others you can see in the streets of Kuala Lumpur in jeans and a T-shirt. They have obtained jobs as varied as government employees and taxi drivers
When you have left the highway you'll see a sign with "Orang Asli" village on it.

The Orang Asli ( mostly Negrito),who live in the jungle, hunt with blowpipes for birds and little monkeys. The blowpipe is made from bamboo. The mouth piece is made from damar, a resin obtained from the dipterocarp trees. Darts are made from the split leaf-stalks of Arenga palm cone is made of light weight pitch and the tip is coated with a lethal preparation made from the sap of the lpol tree (Antiaris toxicaria) and carried in a carefully closed bamboo tube. As for the windage, a soft fluffy "wool' is made from as kind of bark. Blowpipe is deadly accurate within 20 meters.
Fear of the spirits of dead ancestors and hunted animals is very strong amongst them, and it is an unwritten law that all animals caught, in the forest should suffer no pain.
The Orang Asli live in small tribes in the jungle. The tribe we visited had about 10 houses. They were made from leaves (te roof) and the floor was made of wood. They didn't live far from the river. They always remain living in a place, untill something happens, like a death or severe illness. Then they move to another place. The chief, every tribe has one, decides whether they will move. Building a house takes about two or three hours.
The government built for the tribe we visited long wooden houses. They lived a few days in it and then they decided to move back into the jungle. They never returned to their government houses.
You can read the site of our visit at: Taman Negara.

Negrito Senoi Malayu Asli

Mah Meri
Che Wong
Ja Hut
Semoq Beri
Orang Selatar
Orang Kuala
Orang Kanaq

the brief encounter with the orang asli...

When I went to Pekan to do the research, most of them i met were from semai tribes..they looked very much like our malay bunch. They were very friendly indeed. I was touched when the "tok batin's" wife wanted to cook some seafood for us.

I had another small rendezvous with the orang asli once again during my posting at hospital orang asli, located in Gombak. The hospital, as the name implies, were catered for the orang asli..all over peninsular malaysia..Many of them were brought by helicopters and were at the time living in some forest somewhere.

When they bring in an orang asli patient, they brought the whole family together..
you will get to appreciate them once you get to know them and their family..
They have such close ties with the family..

During the posting also, i had the opportunity to go on a week long trip with the hospital orang asli's staff to go to Pos Lebir and the area surrounding there for a medical visit.

They consist of one infectious disease personnel and 2 other staff..( the visit were intended to check for leprosy and malarial cases)..

Coincidentally also, UIA group - COMRADE - were having their da;wah program to the same village - we had to follow them as the hospital team had not enough place to cater us..

Allah had permitted me to get acquantainted with two different groups catering for the orang asli..We followed the UIA's da'wah team and also went along with the medical team as they searched for the cases..

At Pos Lebir, Gua musang..i encountered a different tribe from the ones in gombak and pahang..this time around, it was the negritos..

The negritos were different from the previous group and these differences are in fact very unique to each group and define their identity.

I found the negritos to be much shier as compared the semai who were very forthcoming. They were also much more energetic, so to speak..which during nighttime when they all congregated together, it was like all these antics going around.. the children ran around nonstop..

In terms of physical differences also, they were like - as the name implies- were similar to the africans..they have dark brown skin with curly hairs..


nevertheless, it was one trip that i won't forget,insyaAllah

Orang Asli 2

retrospective entry @ 2006

Off we go to kg. sena, located in Nenasi, which is at Pekan, Pahang.

Actually, we are conducting a research among orang asli to look whether they have the risk factors of cardiovascular disease.
The title of the research is The prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors among adult population(18 - 65 years old) org asli in kg, sena, on september 2006.

We went to the place once so far..but then again... we went to other kampungs that are inhabited by the orang asli.. such as kg. landai and ranching..

in different villagers there are different environment of the OA (org asli). like in kg. sena..they were not that modern.. most of them live in houses that had leaves as the walls..not many of them had TV. but one thing about them is that DOGS byk sangat2!!! the dogs were baik enough and so far only once they tried to chase one of our group members. in kg. sena..the place was very clean.. and they were very friendly..the dogs pun.. but the number of the dogs..numerous..almost all the houses had dogs..and 2-4 dogs each house..

So, for our first visit..we had asked the doctor from the nearest klinik kesihatan there to accompany us.. his name is Dr. Hafiz. He is the only doctor ( in terms of klinik kerajaan, that is) available for the whole of nenasi..which has the population of 13,000.

So, we went to each house of the OA and surveyed their population and the Dr. Hafiz checked them and reminded them to go to clinic for checkup and immunization for their children. MOst of them have almost 10 children.So in kg. sena the total pop is 459. but we only went to the OA.the OA is around 200 people.

Many of them org asli smoke..the daun type..and also drink alcohol..such as samsu..

Oh yes, there is one kg. where it is under the rancangan penempatan semula..these OA are very modern.. most of them own TV's, VCD players and hi fi stereo set... this time around we didn't follow the doctors..but instead the inspektor kesihtan.. (IK). We went to look how they did fogging for mosquitoes..for prevention of malaria.. it's quite different from those fogging for denggi. These fogging for malaria only involved OA. ..the denggi fogging involves everyone..especially those urban dwellers..

This 3 weeks i'll be attached to hospital pekan and pejabat kesihatan daerah pekan..so among the activites are following the activites of IK.so we follow the unit kawalan kesihatan, kawalan air minuman.makanan, unit penyakit berjangkit, unit penguatkuasaan and lots more. So each day, we follow their activites. BUt so far i've only joined the malaria team. so next week, i;ll join the others.

some of my friends had the opportunity to follow the IK doing inspection of premis makanan..check for the safety of the food and cleanliness..kedai kerpok..kedai makan and such..

unfortunately, they are understaffed...imagine, only one malaria team ( 4 people) for the whole of pekan.. so each day, they have go fogging..from morning to tgh hari.. to different kampung..

so..while we ogle at artists and models and these newsmakers..we never realized how much work that others are doing for our sake..these IK's,..staff nurses..sure they don't get credit that much..most of us don't even know their existence..but thanks to them..our health are being taken care without us knowing.. of course the credits goes to Allah..but what I mean is among the people..we don't even appreciate what others are doing....

that's just the part of kesihatan.. belum lagi other aspects..how about pertanian.. or perindustrian..

i never knew about all these stuff but this posting has taught me a lot about the outside world.. the world that we never knew...we don't need to cooped up inside these stone wall.(bangunan...) there are a lot of stuff to do out there..so much things to discover..instead of just going overseas..why not go within the seas.. look at our kampung and learn their lifestyle..meet the orang asli.. and of course enjoy while learning...

The Orang Asli

The Orang Asli…to some it might sound like nothing…not such a big deal…but to some others..which includes myself..the name just swells me up with such pride and joy… Not to mention also a tinge of sadness. I don’t know why but that meeting with them had changed my perceptions towards them a whole lot. The life that they potray may in fact be the kind of life that seem so pure and innocent, in a sense. The harmony that they bring about, with their close ties with the family, has lured me deep to get to know and appreciate them.
Nonetheless, I do feel such an obligation towards those in need. I’m not saying that I am an all important angelic woman, with which my touch will heal those hearts have been broken. But, there’s this feeling inside of me that is quickly touched, tugged ever so hard when I face those who are less fortunate.
These heart is stirred by the memories of those Palestinians, Afghans, Chechnyans…maybe I am a bit biased, concerned only of those of Islamic origins. I also feel that I am somewhat unfair on that side too. I cannot help myself, I’m afraid. For verily, this feeling of compassion was initially fuelled from my understanding of the deen. I never thought that I had this feeling before, much less than to even care about others that do not concern me. Nevertheless, this perception has changed, Alhamdulillah and now I can at least identify the feelings of those who are in dire conditions.
The Orang Asli, however, has tugged a different kind of feeling deep inside of me. I truly cannot explain how this feeling is All I know is that I’ve grown to love them so much. A part of me just wants to dedicate a part of my life to them and see them blossom into a fine bunch. I feel like nurturing them, to say the least.
Those in need, such as the disabled,and special people also play a part in my life but unfortunately not to the extent as becoming so passionate. I cannot understand this feeling, mind you. Honestly, I cannot say whether it is in fact a good or a bad thing actually.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

all in a day's work

Saya baru habis oncall hari ni...semalam merupakan oncall yang agak ok kot...Alhamdulillah dapat oncall bersama dengan medical officer yang sangat baik dan bertimbangrasa. Saya first time oncall 3rd call sejak memasuki posting O&G. Sebenarnya boleh dikatakan agak sibuk semalam..

Hari jumaat merupakan hari "grand round", di mana houseman2 akan present cases2 yang berada dlm ward..time ni juga lah akan berlakunya sesi soal menyoal yang amat dahsyat di mana akhirnya kami semua akan berada dlm keadaan depression.

Alhamdulillah juga kali ni tempat yang saya cover which is patient assessment center, tidak dikunjungi ramai pesakit..sebab selalunya saya digelar juga sebagai "jonah" (di klgn staff di hospital - ini bermaksud orang tu selalunya sibuk )...

Sejurus saja habisnya time office house - 5.00pm - bermulalah "oncall" yang tidak dinanti2kn..

Sebagai 3rd call - houseman yang bertugas kena jaga 4 wad - 3 obstetrics ward and 1 gynaecological ward

jam 7pm - 8.30pm - 2 operation and kena rounds patient dekat Intensive care unit.
Dan seterusnya buat rounds with the Medical officer with the other 4 wards..

tapi tidak lama kemudian, dipanggil untuk laparotomy KIV colostomy for patient yang dah ada bowel perforation. Patient tu patient obstetrics - had operation done for delivery of her baby.

from 10pm - 0130am - assist laparotomy with the surgical team..kaki dah sangat lenguh time tu and ternguap2 dah akibat kengantukan yang teramat...

masalahnya, disebabkan oleh operation ni, tergendala ward rounds yang telah berlangsung sebelum tu...so afterwards, we had to proceed with the rounds..
0300H - new case from gynaecological ward to be clerked..case hyperemesis gravidarum --( excessive nausea and vomiting during pregnancy) --history taking has to be thorough because you have to rule out other causes before you can diagnose that this patient is hyperem..

Investigations done - urine shows that there is presence of ketones -- have to hydrate patient..

maaf kan saya puan, sbb time ambil history from pesakit tu..terlelap seketika..

Since my hospital is one of the IT hospital..thus i had to go back to the 3 wards and type back all the patients that have been seen...

ingatkan dapat rehat sekejap..tapi..kul 0500H - patient baru masuk -- surgical team referred - they think its more of appendicitis, tapi referrred to gynaecology to rule out other gynae causes

--> so apa investigation yang anda rasakan yang perlu?

--> jawapan: ultrasound of the abdomen
jam 0630H - settled with the new case ..solat jap..pastu..

kena insert cervegem untuk pesakit2 yang diagnosed as missed miscarriage ( masalah keguguran) - tapi product of conception ( maksudnya - janinnnya ) masih berada dalam uterus..jadi kena masukkan sejenis ubat supaya cervixs akan dilate ( buka) dan janin dpt dikeluarkan..

seterusnya kena prepare untuk ward rounds yang selalunya bermula pukul 0800H..
tapi kena bagitau bahagian bius ttg patient yang bakal masuk operation theater..sekiranya pihak bius tak kasi patient tu untuk undergo operation, terpaksa cancel..

in the end, sememangnya tak dapat tidur..( ada terlelap seketika time tengah type dekat komputer)

moral of the story - kena buat kerja cepat tetapi tepat...

Saya habis oncall tadi dalam pukul 1230tgh hari..
hari isnin ialah oncall seterusnya..tapi dekat labor room pula...lagi lah menakutkan..

sejak bertugas di O&G department, terus terang saya katakan, suasananya agak depressing..kita sentiasa ditekan supaya kerja kena siap secepat mungkin kerana ---> patient selalu datang bertimbun2...nonstop..

suatu ketika dahulu saya imaginekan bahawa sebagai seorang doktor - kita akan berupaya untuk membawa mesej islam pada masyarakat..bayangkan setiap hari - hampir lebih 20 orang pesakit kita akan bertemu..mad'u yang datang tanpa dipaksa...

tapi realitinya tidak begitu..berapa ramaikah doktor yang berupaya untuk istiqamah dlm membawa nasihat2 islami terhadap pesakit2 yang mereka temui?

Berapa ramaikah doktor2 yang prihatin samada pesakit itu solat atau tidak?
--> itupun kalau doktor2 tu sendiri sempat utk pastikan solat terjaga setiap waktu -- di mana kdgkala utk solat tu pun tak sempat...

sejak bertugas - kdgkala hubungan dengan Allah terkandas -->dek kesibukan dan kelalaian yang melanda..

kadang2 yang menjadi 'nightmare' ialah specialsit/consultant/medical officer yang menakutkan..
tapi apakah hadir dlm hati kita prasaan apakah kata2 Allah?

tanpa peringatan - sanagat senang utk mengikut arus yang deras..arus yang menolak kita jauh dari jalan yang sepatutnya..jauh dari niat yang sebenar..

Alhamdulillah, last night, a sahibah adviced me in regards of perhubungan dengan Allah -- jangan takut pada manusia...hakikatnya kita adalah hamba Allah -- yang penting adalah kata2 Allah...

setelah sekian lama tidak kedengaran tazkirah/tidak mengikuti halaqah - hati ini telah menjadi hati yang kosong dan kering..tidak berupaya lagi untuk menjana kekuatan..dan setelah serangan demi serangan dari pihak jahiliah --> kekuatan dan keazaman yang suci mulai kabur dan lusuh...

bukannya disini saya ingin menyatakan bahawa tugas sebagai seorang doktor adalah sangat tertekan --> namun sememangnya ia memerlukan komitmen yang tinggi dan perlu ada preparation dari segi physical and emotion..dan yang paling penting adalah hubungan yang kuat dengan Allah...

Sememangnya kita perlukan ramai lagi doktor2 muslim yang boleh membawa mesej2 islam kepada masyarakat..namun sistem sekarang tidak begitu conducive untuk make it a reality..

insyaAllah sekiranya doktor2 dan juga staff2 lain yang mempunyai kesedaran islam ini dapat memenuhi hospital2 - insyaAllah sistem juga akan berubah supaya cita2 agung ini dapat terlaksana..

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

menuntut hak yang sepatutnya

There are many times indeed that i've heard of senior doctors commenting how we have been performing..the HO's..
the housemans nowadays are of lesser quality now..not like how it used to be..
Perhaps it is true, to some extent...i myself do not feel that i'm up to the standard as to compare with the other houseman..
Honestly, i dont know where we have gone wrong?
And the other thing that we have been commented is that of being 'manja'..manjalitis, as to speak..
Again, i cannot disagree that much..
but it needs to be said, many a times, things have been underreported previously..
It's like in the case of cancer..how do we know the incidence previously? and how to say that it is indeed have increased tremendously if in the olden days, people did not report these kind of cases.

Is it wrong if we are to speak our minds and be against the treatment that are imposed on us today?

Because of these outspokenness also that there have been improvements in recent years in the care of the doctors.
I was told that previously the rates for oncalls were RM 25 per day and now it has increased to quadruple the amount..

Yes, i am aware that the previous batches have had to suffer..and we have had it much better as compared to previously..but think of it this way..we are to pave way to make it better for the future generation..

When people fight for something, sometimes, the end result would not be felt by them straight away, but others would be able to reap in the benefits..

To me, it is vital for us to actually try to make a betterment of the health system nowadays..it 's not just for us..both in the end it would benefit the patients as a whole

Imagine that if we were able to make it better for the doctors, in terms of time whereby then they would be able to serve the patietns rightly as they should, then would it not benefit both parties?

I am in favor of the shift system thta has been proposed in the newsletter of the MMA..
7 hours shift..probably it is not fathomable in the cases of doctors currently, but probably 12Hours shift can be plausible..

This is because when we are pressured of time, many patients are not getting the right kind of treatment as they should..

from what i can observe is that many times we tend to chase time quickly, thus we have not given the proper education to the patients, which to me are indeed importnat...

especially in regards to the islamic input...there are many issues that does concern the topic that they have overlooked..

many of us tend to focus on the medical aspects..but tend to leave out on the ukhrawi..

since i'm in obstetrics and gynaecology posting right now..day in and day out we are dealing with births...these are indeed crucial aspects in life...

I would think it is indeed beneficial if we can use this time, such as having a pep talk with the patients in regards as to nurture their babies islamicallly..that is indeed the perfect time to inculcate them a sense of "islamic" motherhood...

but we cannot do this as well as it should..because of shortage of time..

In reality we are depriving the patients of these highly crucial information..

We have to think of a system whereby we can in the end, inculcate these kind of sentimens into them..

to me it begins with the improvement of the doctors - as they will be the most vital aspect in the part of the conveying the message...


Friday, December 12, 2008

Grameen Bank...

Muhammad Yunus..founder of Grameen bank..

This is a man with a vision... A vision to eradicate poverty..

I've heard of him for him some..but never really given much thought regarding it..but yesterday i've come across his book entitled " CREATING A WORLD WITHOUT POVERTY"..social business and the future of capitalism..
However, first and foremost, it needs to be said that i haven't really researched about him that well..but i really commend his idea and his lengths to go about making it a reality...

Article by Prof. Yunus

Winter 2008 • Vol. 35, No. 1

How Legal Steps Can Help to Pave the Way to Ending Poverty

by Muhammad Yunus

There is no better time for a serious discussion of how the law and lawyers can enable the poor to help themselves?throughout the world, and especially in the United States .

Right now, highly regulated banks in the developed world (many of them in the United States ) are having trouble pricing and trading complex mortgage-backed securities. At the same time, how?ever, trust-based microfinance banks like Bangladesh ?s Grameen Bank continue to do well, unaffected by the financial uncertainty in the rest of the world.

How the Trust-Based Grameen Bank Works

The Grameen Bank issues loans using very simple trust-based financial arrangements; no legal documents are involved because, in part, Grameen?s borrowers are poor and have no collateral. So, Grameen relies on trust and the positive incentives of continued access to credit and other support to ensure repayments?and Grameen?s repayment rates have averaged better than 98 percent. Because Grameen?s loans are based on trust and positive incentives and no legal documents, Grameen has never used lawyers or courts to collect any of its loans. Grameen has about 7.5 million borrowers in Bangladesh , and has loaned approximately $7 billion since its inception, with an average loan size of about $150.

When a potential borrower wants a loan, she has to form a group of five or join such a group of borrowers from her neighborhood and agree to meet with that group once a week. Each loan is made to an individual in the group and is the responsibility of that one individual, but others in the group cannot get their next loans if any member of the group is late in her payments.

Grameen?s borrowers are also required to maintain a regular savings plan, and today its borrowers and their nonborrowing neighbors as a group have $150 in savings for every $100 in loans outstanding. Today, the Grameen Bank is funded by the savings deposits of the poor. It has been profitable for all but three of the last twenty-five years.

Grameen?s interest rates for loans and savings are clearly available to all at www.grameen.com. All loans are intended for income-producing activities, housing, or education, not for consumption. The basic interest rate for most business loans is 20 percent. In addition, Grameen has issued more than 600,000 housing loans at 8 percent and about 20,000 educational loans at 5 percent.

Grameen also has arranged loans for about 100,000 beggars, whom it calls ?struggling members.? These loans are interest-free and offered without time limits. The goal is to encourage these members to cease begging and to become regular savers and borrowers. To date, 10 percent of these borrowers have left begging behind completely.

The Grameen bank is 96 percent owned by the borrowers, 97 percent of whom are women. Nine of its twelve directors are women..

Its bankers, using bicycles or motorcycles, go to a borrower?s neighborhood for the weekly meetings. Typically, ten or so groups of five borrowers (sixty individual borrowers total) meet every week for about an hour to pay back existing loans, to receive new loans, and to exchange ideas in an open and transparent way in front of the whole group of fellow borrowers. The approach is practical also because Grameen?s borrowers typically cannot read financial statements.

Prof. Muhammad Yunus & Grameen Bank Awarded The Nobel Peace Prize for 2006

Image The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2006, divided into two equal parts, to Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank for their efforts to create economic and social development from below. Lasting peace can not be achieved unless large population groups find ways in which to break out of poverty. Micro-credit is one such means. Development from below also serves to advance democracy and human rights. Muhammad Yunus has shown himself to be a leader who has managed to translate visions into practical action for the benefit of millions of people, not only in Bangladesh, but also in many other countries. Loans to poor people without any financial security had appeared to be an impossible idea. From modest beginnings three decades ago, Yunus has, first and foremost through Grameen Bank, developed micro-credit into an ever more important instrument in the struggle against poverty. Grameen Bank has been a source of ideas and models for the many institutions in the field of micro-credit that have sprung up around the world.

Every single individual on earth has both the potential and the right to live a decent life. Across cultures and civilizations, Yunus and Grameen Bank have shown that even the poorest of the poor can work to bring about their own development.

Micro-credit has proved to be an important liberating force in societies where women in particular have to struggle against repressive social and economic conditions. Economic growth and political democracy can not achieve their full potential unless the female half of humanity participates on an equal footing with the male.

Yunus's long-term vision is to eliminate poverty in the world. That vision can not be realised by means of micro-credit alone. But Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank have shown that, in the continuing efforts to achieve it, micro-credit must play a major part.


Once again i am saddened by a news that one of my friend has decided to quit..Just recently, I was informed of another friend had taken a long leave..

And from my previous posting, the talk about quitting and taking unpaid months of leave had already been heard of...

I myself have thought about quitting this job many times...

I dont know whether this kind of phenomena is common amongst other profession?

Many of us cannot stand the workload, the stress and also sometimes the specialist/MO/consultants..

The oncalls are one of the worst nightmares as doctors..

The feeling of precalls and also postcalls are pure torture..

Let me describe how is an oncall for us..
We would start work as usual - at 8..(officially)...but of course, that would have disasterous effect on us if we do that..When I had to take care of the wards, I usually would arrive by 7am..

We have to cover all the patients before 8 am..so..if there are a lot of patients and if the grand round is that day..most of us would make sure that we arrive at the hospital by 6,30am..

THus, we work as usual..until 5pm..(rarely we get to go back by this time)..but for those oncalls they would have to stayback and continue until the next day...without gap..

the oncall ends at about 7:30 the next day..but we have to go on working for the next workign day..so starts again at 8am til 5pm...
Basically an oncall commences from 8am until 5pm the next day..if you're lucky that is..there have been many times that i had to stay back until about 7pm..so in general an oncall lasts about 32 hours..working nonstop....

for an House officer, the oncall claims amount to about rm 100 for weekdays and rm 110 for a weekend..it used to be that you get only rm25 for an oncall.. Thus in reality we get about less than rm 5 per hour.. talk about expensive labor..

This month i have to do 9 oncalls.about every 3 days, i would have to be oncall..

What a life...

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Apa yang kita perlukan sekarang adalah untuk membangkitkan kembali unsur 'manusiawi' di kalangan masyarakat kita..

As we progress into a much 'modernized' society, it seems that we have become less humanized along the way..as if we have forgotten that the objective of the modernization in the first place is to make our life better..

But who is to define "better "? in what way? in what aspect?
Probably what we have achieved in doing is probably is - by far - reducing our working time in doing our everyday chores and needs... but in the long run, we have not succeeded in terms of the real objective..

Maybe we have achieved in shortening our time in doing many aspect of our work, but we have forgotten why we have done that in the first place?

Why is it that we want to ease our burden, so much so, that we have spent so much time in creating so many gadgets as to alleviate our suffering?

okay, perhaps i have mentioned one point, which is to alleviate suffering..
Many times we have created these utensils as to alleviate our suffering, so that there will be less toiling..

tapi..yang utama adalah memenuhi the objectivity in the first place..

Objektif kita yang utama dalam dunia ini adalah untuk mendapat redha Ilahi..

"Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan agar mereka beribadah kepada Ku" Az-Zariyat : 56

For example, with the advancement in regards to transportation, whereby from walking --> using animals --> then starting to use wheels such bicycles/trishaw/ --> automobiles

With this kind of technology we were able to cut short of our time for travelling so much so that we are able to to travel to thousands of miles away in several hours that used to take up many days or even months.

This is highly commendable, no doubt.

Then if we analyze the invention of phones as a source of communication, we see that it is constantly changing to an extent that within this several years we have been bombarded with so many programs such as the 3G and stuff.

And with the internets and computer what nots..it has gone surpassed beyond our expectations..

Yes, indeed we are drowned in the ocean of technology..

But with these superb advancement, we see also the declination and the rapid deterioration of our humanity as we know it.

We have been able to utilize these kinds of instruments and turn it into a wrath of God..

Instead of doing it for the sake of fulfilling our main objectives as khalifah in this world, we opt for the opposite of it.

Using these wonderful transportation, communication tools and technology savvy gadgets to accomplish stuff that are in fact "haram" by Allah's eyes.

Why is that so ? Because along the way of creating these devices, we have put so much effort in the making of it..instead of thinking the need of it..and the social effect it brings about to the society..

In today's society where everything is needed to be fast and furious..the aspect of human development is laid hidden from the limelight.

And as we observe now, the problem has had its deleterious effect towards our society and now only we are grappling as how to solve the society.

Recently, I went to my old school, and gave a bit of a peptalk to the SPM students. I thought it would not be such a difficult task as we are about 10 years away..but i was stunned when a student asked me"..akak..time akak dulu ada tak handphone?'..

....I could only answer .."NO.."...

It is high time for us to consider back the tarbiyyah system..and spread the word of Rabb into our society..for we have strayed far from the Sunnah..

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Kurang Ajar ---> disebabkn kurang diajar

Tarbiyyah is definitely one of the most important aspect in life that we have far neglected. As I enter this new phase of life, which is the working life..all the more that i seem to think that Tarbiyyah is the ultimate solution to our current damp situation.
"mendidik" or the cultivation of a someone's akhlak, is one of the highly coveted trophy in a society.

It is saddening indeed to be exposed to the real calamity that have befallen us. Recently, I had attended the Hospital's CME ..whereby there will be the latest updates in medicine. The topic that were covered that day was that of the OSCC, which stands for "one stop crisis center". It was conceptualized by one of the doctor who cared enough for the patient.

Before I go any further, OSCC is a center in the hospital whereby patients who are victims of violence/rape (more of social matter)..can be attended to. These victims can go directly to the emergency department and seek the medical attention and police help at one go. If i'm not mistaken, most hospitals have this facility.

I commend this idea very much, and i hope that there will be other facilities that can be provided as to have better care for the patients.

During the lecture, they also presented on the statistics regarding figures in relation to these cases.

I was somewhat disturbed, to say the least, when they showed such high figures in regards to this matter.

I never thought that we have to come to a state whereby rapes/domestic violence/and all the what nots are becoming a norm. Could you believe that almost everyday we have quite a number of these cases? and they only showed the figures REGISTERED in the hospital..

How about those cases that were not reported? That were left alone..

It is high time for us to act and do something regarding this matter. We have to be aware and TAKE CHARGE..this is OUR RESPONSIBILITY..me..and you...US...

We have to reflect upon what has happened to our society..We have to open our eyes and realize that we are in fact declining in regards to our social aspect.

Please do not be blinded by the fact that we have achieved so many greatness in regards of developement, when in fact..our social development has been deteriorating so much

Ever since i've worked and in fact during my university years...i have met with so many patients who are involved in these social crises. So many unwed mothers giving birth..just recently during the hari raya..one teenage motehr ( a mere 15 years old) gave birth to twins ( at 22 weeks and 5 days) in which the paediatric team would not resuscitate... they weighed 520 gm and 480gm respectively.

Yes, as doctors..we are only responsible during the time of delivery..but how about our social duty? These kind of patients need much more than the routine medicalservice...but unfortuntely our system right now is more targeted towards the 'medical'events per se..but eventually , we would refer to the social welfare..as we do to all the unmarried cases..

I heard the socialworker lamented that they are always busy..which adds to my worries..that in fact..we have so many social problems that need to mended...

We are living in a time where there is in fact so many work to do and so little people who understand the importance of this predicament..

Where not many who understand the concept of our deen..as a solution to this ongoing problem.. Where Jahiliyah is rampant and islam "kembali dagang"...

Semoga Allah memberi petunjuk dan hidayah pada kita semua..

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan pengorbanan? Dan sekiranya kita mengetahui definisinya..adakah sebenarnya kita mampu untuk berbuat demikian?
Sesungguhnya mengetahui sesuatu perkara itu bukannya bererti mampu untuk membuatnya.

There is a big difference in fact, between knowing and doing. I feel it very much so as we enter into the real world.

When we were younger,as children, we have been taught with so many knowledge that in truth, is very much applicable within our everyday life.

Kali ini, hari raya korban di sambut di hospital..di dewan wad bersalin. To be exact, the screening center, whereby i have to screen all the new patients coming to the Obstetrics department.

I didn't mind it very much initially, but eventually as i heard the azan from the television, it tugged my heart...and at the time i had a realization, that i'm in fact working on a day of eidul celebration..As patients began to pour in the ward, with some of them dressed in their raya costume, i became more disheartened..especially when they really did begin to pour in.

Then it became so hard as to become 'ikhlas' in your work..whereby the sincerity can be reflected in how you well you do your work. Instead of being garnished with sabar, I on the other hand, had nurtured inside of me a feeling of disdain towards the patient.

I do feel so much disappointed in myself as this is infact a trial from Allah especially since one claims oneself as to wanting to be His true servant.

Konsep tarbiyyah yang dulu saya fahami adalah di antaranya untuk mewujudkn sikap saling menyayangi di antara insan...sikap untuk berkorban ..untuk melahirkan insan yang mempunyai sifat sabar...

Akan tetapi, apabila diuji dengan keadaan di mana sikap2/sifat ini diperlukan ...namun saya tewas..menunjukkan betapa jauhnya lagi perjalanan saya dalam memperbaikkan diri ini.

Di sini lah akan diuji samada apa yang kita ketahui selama ini dapat dilaksanakan atau tidak.

Many a times during oncalls especially, with the sleep deprivation and awakened from sleep (if able to sleep that is), i would get cranky towards the patient. Yesterday was one of the busiest days ever, with almost 40 patients totalling up that day.

Ada kalanya, pesakit2 muncul 8 orang serentak..dan pada masa itu saya seorang sahaja yang ada untuk 'cover' kesemua patient itu. Dan yang lebih mengujikan adalah apabila kesemua nya muncul pada 2:00 AM - 3:00Am...

Pada tika itu, saya tidak lagi mampu untuk 'mentarbawikan' suasana...untuk mengikhlaskan pekerjaan itu lillahita'ala..
pada tika itu..apa yang dapat fikirkan adalah..'sudah''..cukuplah dulu..dan segala perkara yang negatif mula bermain di fikiran..

Apabila kita muhasabah kembali, di manakah kefahaman kita terhadap - mengorbankan masa, harta dan jiwa.

Sesungguhnya 'pengorbanan' itu adalah suatu perkara yang mulia untuk dilaksanakan..dan sangat beruntung sekiranya seseorang itu mampu untuk melaksanakannya dengan penuh keikhlasan..

Dan di sini saya mula 'appreciate' betapa banyaknya pengorbanan yang telah dibuat oleh semua pihak demi menjaga kebajikan kita semua..

Mungkin apabila kita melihat mereka yang tugasnya menyapu sampah..menghantar pos...mengajar kita ketika kecil..mengasuh kita..ibu bapa dengan penuh kasih sayangnya..guru dengan dedikasinya..askar2 dengan penuh semangatnya..polis dengan kecekapannya...sehinggalah para ulama'/pemimpin..yang mencurahkan tenaga fikiran untuk menguruskn kehidupan kita...
Demikianlah hidup kita sememangnya 'dipenuhi' dengan pelbagai 'pengorbanan' yang telah dicurahkan oleh pelbagai insan yang kebanyakannya tidak kita hargai...

Seharusnya kita juga rela untuk berkorban 'dengan penuh keikhlasan..dengan perasaan untuk berubudiyyah kepada Allah...Semoga Allah memberi kekuatan kepada kita semua untuk menjadi insan2 yang sentiasa berkorban fi sabilillah..

Sunday, December 7, 2008

amazing quran

I had recently bought a book entitled "the amazing quran"..coincidentally, it was during a talk presented by the wonderful yusuf estees.. I had the opportunity to hear from 2 magnificent muslims who previously were preachers in their own right...the other person besides yusuf estees was Dr. omar zaid, of which i had bought his book..

One thing that struck me most about the amazing quran book , was that it had mentioned of a name that was so familiar to me throughout my medical students years..which was Keith Moore..

Yes, the author of the well-read anatomy book..i have indeed heard that he was a Muslim, but that was just passing glance, not taking it very seriously at the time..

..this is an excerpt from the book...

For example, the Quran mentions man's origin and then tells the reader , "research it!" It gives the reader a hint where to look and then states that one should find out more about it. This is the kind of thing that Muslims today largely seem to overlook - but not always , as illustrated in the following example. A few years ago, a group of men in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia collected all of the verses in the Qur'an which discuss embryology - the growth of the human being in the womb. Theysaid " Here is what the Quran says. is it the truth?" In essence, they took the advice of the Quran : "ask the men who know."

THey chose, it happened, a non-Muslim who is a professor of embryology at the University of Toronto. His name is Keith Moore, and he is the author of textbook on embryology - a world expert on the subject. They invited him to Riyadh and said, " This is what the Quran says about your subject. Is it true?What can you tell us?"

While he was in Riyadh, they gave him all of the help that he needed in translation and all of the cooperation for which he asked. And he was so surprised at what he found that he changed his textbooks. In fact, in the second edition of one of his books, called Before We are Born...in the section about the history of embryology, he included some material that was not in the first edition because of what he had found in the Quran. Truly this illustrates that the Quran was ahead of its time and that those people who believe in the Quran know what other people do not know.

........In fact , he said that one item in particular - the Quran's description of the human being as a leech-like clot 'alaqah' at one stage - was new to him, but when he checked on it, he found it was true, and so he added it to his book. He said, "i never thought of that before, " and he went to the zoology department and asked for a picture of a leech. When he found that it looked just like the human embryo, he decided to include both pictures in one of his textbooks....

....All of the descriptions in the Quran of the appearance of the embryo are of the item when it is still too small to see with the eye; therefore one needs a microscope to see it. ..

..In fact, when he was asked "how do you explain this information in the quran?" Dr Moore's reply "It could only have been divinely revealed!"

..(these are only excerpts..i had to shorten the passages..to read the full entry..you guys can get the book "the amazing quran" Based upon a lecture presented by Gary Miller, produced by Saheeh international , Abul-Qasim publishing House, 1994

And since i'm in the obstetrics department right now..being involved with so many pregnant ladies and such.. many questions were being asked especially upon doing the ultrasound, "how's my baby?"

and lo and behold..i came across this ayah in the quran " Allah mengetahui akan apa yang dikandung oleh tiap-tiap ibu, dan mengetahui apa yang kurang dari yang kandungan dalam rahim itu atau yang lebih. Dan tiap-tiap sesuatu adalah ditetapkan di sisiNya dengan kadar yang tertentu." (Surah Ar-Ra'd: 8)

...That ayah struck a deep cord within me, especially since i'm posted in this department..How miraculous it is..to see that nothing is left untouched by the beautiful and magnificent Quran..How it is so much of evidence that Allah is indeed the Almighty...

this is from wikipedia:
Keith L. Moore is a professor emeritus in the division of anatomy (department of surgery), former Chair of anatomy and associate dean for Basic Medical Sciences (Faculty of Medicine) at the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He has also worked at the King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Moreover, he is a founding member of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists (AACA). He was President of the AACA between 1989 and 1991[1]. He is most known for his textbooks on the subjects of anatomy and human embryology.

He has co-written (with professor Arthur F. Dalley II) Clinically Oriented Anatomy, which is the most popular English-language anatomy textbook in the world, used by scientists, doctors, physiotherapists and students worldwide. The book is especially popular because of its 'blue boxes' - passages of text on blue background that relate the classical anatomy to real-world concepts in the diagnosis and treatment of human patients. The book now exists in multiple versions - one with American English spelling and one with British English spelling, and also a shorter version that is more suitable as a reference or revision guide.

Dr. Keith L.Moore has converted to Islam after reading the Holy Quran claiming that it holds many scientific theories that would have been impossible to know 1400 years ago with out using modern 21st century technology.

(isn't it amazing..for those who really ponder the quran will certainly appreciate that it really is a testament from Allah) Subhanallah!!!

Salam eid adha...

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Itu cara Rasulullah SAW membentuk sahabat.
Membentuk mereka dengan kepercayaan, dan seterusnya menggerakkan mereka untuk bekerja bagi melihat apa yang mereka percaya. Itu jati diri golongan percaya. Mereka bukan percaya kosong, mereka bukan menunggu jelmaan kepercayaan, tetapi mereka berusaha merealisasikan apa yang mereka percaya.
Kita belum pernah melihat Syurga. Tetapi kita percaya. Dan kita saban hari bekerja keras untuk melihat apa yang kita percaya.
Kita sudah lama tidak mendengar tentang kemenangan Islam. Belum pernah melihat bangkitnya kebenaran. Tetapi kita percaya. Dan kita bekerja untuk melihat apa yang kita percaya.
(www.saifulislam.com , 21/2/08)
Ana percaya kepada akan wujudnya kebangkitan kuasa Islam..ana percaya dgn sepenuh hati & ana ingin berada di klgn yang ‘front runners’ , yang ikhlas& bersungguh2 supaya melihatnya berjaya..
Sudah lama ana mengkaji di manakah terletaknya cara yang terbaik utk merealisasikan cita2 ini..agar ianya dapat memberi keyakinan kpd ana utk bekerja dgn penuh tekun demi melihat tertegaknya syariat Allah..

Adakah ia melalui politik? Atau sekadar memberi ceramah? Membaca blog? Melalui system usrah?

Sesungguhnya kita hanya meneruskn perjuangan Rasulullah..dan sesungguhnya perjuangan RAsulullah telah menggariskn petunjuk sepanjang jalan bagi seluruh ummat dalam usaha mencapai kemenangan dan sesudahnya.

Dan setakat ilmu ana yang begitu dhaif ini, ana percaya jalan yang terbaik adalah sepertimana yg dikupaskn oleh imam Hassan al-Banna..melalui kajian ana terhadp gerakerjanya, byk yang beliau mengambil Rasulullah sebagai contoh..
Ia telah menentukan peringkat2 aktiviti untuk mencapai tujuan2 tersebut, dengan terlebih dahulu menjelaskan peringkat2 amal yang diperlukan ummat Islam secara umum, dan keperluan2 mendesak di setiap kawasan.(2)

Tajdid Islam & mengubah kaum Muslimin dari satu peringkat ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi,merupakan fungsi utama da’wah Ikhwanul Muslimin

1. Memahami fenomena IM dari penjelasan Hassan al-Banna
a) IM sbg satu jamaah yg mmberikan pengabdianny utk masyarakat. Jamaah ini bekerjasama dgn jamaah2 lainnya yg mmberikn pelayanan kpd umum. Kerjasama ini dilakukan dgn menggunakan sarana2 tertentu
b) IM sbg gerakan tajdid. HAB – telah mmfokuskn perhatiannya pd sifat yg kedua ini, krn ini merupakan amal terpenting bg gerakan. Di antara sifat2 tajdid yg nmpk dlm gerakan ini - Islam mmbutuhkn amal yg menyeluruh yg dimulai dari peringkat ta’rif (pengenalan), sampai ke peringkat takwin (pembentukan) yang teliti, dan berakhir dgn peringkat tanfidz (pelaksanaan) harian yang menyeluruh utk mncapai tujuan terbesar yg telah diwajibkan Allah SWT kpd setiap Muslim utk dilaksanakannya, baik dlm perinkat local, ataupun dlm perinkat internasional.

Pada pndgn ana,yg juga selari dgn pndgn yg dijelaskn oleh HAB; pertubuhan2 yg berfaedah hendaklah didorongkn (dijuruskn) kpd suatu matlamat dgn memperkuatkannya, dan bukan melemahkannya. Setiap fikrah yg bertujuan menyatupadukan tenaga org2 islam di seluruh dunia & memberikan sokongan kpd fikrah “Pan Islamism” dialu-alukan..Kita hendaklah bersikap ikhlas trhadap pertubuhan2 Islam, malah berusaha dgn segala jalan utk memperdekatkan kesemuanya. Dan IM yakin bahawa saling cinta-mencintai di antara org2 Islam merupakan asas yg paling sihat utk menggerakkan orang Islam.

Perlunya Pemikiran Jama’I – ‘Aqliyyah jama’iyyah – dan penghapusan sikap mementingkn diri

Bilamana penyusunan tertegak agung, ianya memerlukan kpd tenaga generasi dan sesungguhnya kemuncak cita2 individu adalah penyertaannya di dlm pembinaan generasi ini dan ini sudah cukup baginya. Ana sangat setuju dgn konsep utk kita tekankan bidang2 pelajaran (ta’lim), pendidikan (tarbiyyah), penyusunan (tanzim), pemerhatian & penilaian.(2)

Peringkat 1: Ta’rif
Menyebarkan fikra (ide) umum kpd org byk –cth nya aktiviti social kemasyarakatan – melakukan kempen kesedaran, bimbingan & mendirikan lembaga2 berguna, dan cara2 lain yg bersifat ilmiah.

Peringkat 2: Takwin
Memilih calon2 kader yg baik & layak utk memikul tanggungjwb jihad & menggabungkannya. Sistem jama’ah di peringkat ini bercorak sufi total di segi praktek kegiatan. Semboyannya, ‘ Perintah & Taat” dgn penuh kemantapan, tidak ada tanya jawab, ragu & tidak merasa terpaksa. Orang2 yg akan berhubungan dgn da’wah ini ialah mereka yg tlh memiliki kesanggupan sungguh2 dlm memikul t/jawab jihad yg berkelanjutan & penuh kesukaran. Indikasi pertamanya – dlm kesanggupan ini – ialah ketaatan total.

Peringkat 3: Tanfidz
Jihad yg tidak mengenal kompromi, bekerja dlm mencapai tujuan yg bersinambung & mengarungi berbagai ujian & cobaan yg tidak akan mampu diatasi kecuali mrk yg benar2 ikhlas.
Maka organisasi da’wah & jamaah yg benar, mutlak diperlukan adanya kepimpinan (imamah) yg mampu mengatur terlaksanya ketiga tahap pembinaan tersebut.

Ketiga peringkat itu dapat dicapai dgn melengkapi serta menyiapkan organisasi guna melaksanakan ta’rif, takwin & tanfidz secara sistematik. Setiap tahap, perlu manajemen dlm perencanaan, pengorganisasian, metode (manhaj), para perintis pembinaan, program kegiatan yg teratur & control utk evaluasi efektifitas setiap kegiatan. Semua ini memerlukan juga kejelasan peringkat2 keanggotaan & jenisnya, serta memerlukan koordinasi antara organisasi2 masing2 tingkat.(1)
Mengapa ana begitu mementingkat peringkat2 da’wah ini.
.jawapan ana ialah, sesungguhnya apabila kita mengkaji sirah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. akan dapat mengetahui bahawa Baginda sgt mengutamakn factor kualiti & mutu, bukan bilangan dan kualiti. (Al –Anfaal: 66) Pada marhalah ini, umat Islam mempunyai ciri2 yg hampir serupa dgn buih air bah yg ringan, tidak bererti, tidak bersatu dan tidak bermutu serta tidak mempunyai tujuan dan cita2 yg satu, masing2 mengikut arahnya sendiri. Oleh sebab itu, tumpuan dan perhatian mesti diarahkan untuk membina dan membangun kualiti dan mutu umat Islam, bukan hanya utk memperbyk bilangan dan jumlahnya sahaja.

Dari perspektif Islam, amal perbuatan bukanlah dinilai krn bnyk & besarnya, tetapi dari ketelitian dan kesempurnaannya.

Penelitian, perancangan & pengkajian strategic bagi setiap program sblm ianya dilaksanakn adlh merupakn anjuran & ajaran Islam yg sgt penting. Penggunaan perancangan & pengkajian strategic yg sgt rapi dpt kita temui did lm perjlnn da’wah RAsulullah spnjg sejarah hidupnya.

Orang yg paling layak & utama meletakkan perancangan & melakukan pengkajian strategic utk setiap program yg akan dilakukannya adlh mereka yg bergiat cergas dlm pertubuhan2 pergerakan Islam.(4 )

Dalam apa jua bentuk organisasi, kepentingan merancang masa depan dan menilai prestasi masa lalu mempunyai pengaruh besar dalam menentukan kejayaan dan kegagalan sesuatu organisasi. Sebagai gerkaan dakwah, kita sangat berhajat kepada penyusunan gerak kerja yang terancang di mana perbincangan perlu diadakan untuk merancang hala tuju dan aktiviti pada masa akan datang. Perancangan yang teliti akan memastikan segala matlamat yang ditetapkan berjaya dicapai.

Setiap individu yang terlibat dalam gerakan dakwah mesti sentiasa saling memberi nasihat sesama mereka. Kita perlu sentiasa duduk berbincang mengenai prestasi kita pada masa lalu dan merancang strategi untuk masa depan. Kita bukan anti organisasi, bahkan gerak kerja dakwah sangat memerlukan kepada pentadbiran yang sistematik. (5)

Dan mengapa perlu ana menceritakan semua ini kpd ust? Supaya ust faham apakah yg ana fhm ttg fikrah da’wah..ke manakh hala tuju ana..dan adakah ust pun memahami sepertimana yg ana fahami? Dan jwpn kpd ust sekiranya ust terdetik mengapakah ana begitu tekankan konsep syura utk buat sebarang keputusan yg blh mmberi impak kpd perancangan jemaah..hrp maklum..hrp ust dapat fhm..

1. Membina Angkatan Mujahid,(1987) Sa’id Hawwa. Terj. Abu Ridha.Thinker’s Library sdn Bhd.
2. Memahami Prinsip-Prinsip Amal Islami (2006)Sa’id Hawwa , terj. Ustadh MOhd Darus Sanawi. Dewan Pustaka Fajar
3. www.saifulislam.com (retrieved 21st February, 2008)
4. Fiqh Keutamaan (1996) Prof Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradhawi. Terj. Ahmad Nuryadi Asmawi. Thinker’s library sdn.bhd.
5. Ringkasan dan terjemahan ucapan Penasihat YAPIS-UIA, Sheikh Abu Huzayfah Aiman Yosof Al-Dakkak dalam Sesi Bersama Penasihat, 9 Muharram 1427 H / 8 Februari 2006, Masjid UIAM. –( www. Yapis.blogspot.com)